Unveiling the Truth: Jesse James Attended His Own Funeral…Alive!

Throughout history, tales of mystery and intrigue have captivated our imaginations. One such legend revolves around the funeral of Jesse James, the infamous American outlaw. While some dismissed the notion as mere folklore, recent discoveries suggest that Jesse James indeed attended his own funeral. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating evidence that sheds light on Jesse’s captivating story.

Unearthing the Evidence: In 2015, after the passing of their mother; Betty Dorsett Duke, Teresa stumbled upon a remarkable photograph from 1882. The photo, displayed on pages 56 and 57 of the book ‘The Mysterious Life and Faked Death of Jesse James‘, captures Jesse James’ funeral. What’s astonishing is that standing prominently in the image is their great-great-grandfather, Jesse James himself, appearing alive and well. This discovery aligns with the evidence provided by Betty Dorsett Duke in her book, “The Truth about Jesse James.”

Unidentified Pall Bearer: The Kansas City Daily Times article from April 7th, 1882, further adds to the intrigue. It mentions a mysterious sixth pall bearer at the funeral, whom nobody seemed to recognize. This stout and well-preserved man, around 40 years old, directed the proceedings with authority, yet his identity remained unknown to all. Could this enigmatic figure be our great-great-grandfather, Jesse James?

Jesse James, a.k.a. James L. Courtney. The image at left is a family
tintype of Jesse at approximately twenty-five years of age. The images in
the middle are of Jesse attending his own funeral at approximately thirty-six
years of age. The image at right is a family photo of Jesse between twentyfive
and twenty-eight years of age.

Photographic Proof: The revelation of a photograph titled “Jesse James Funeral” from the Phillips Collection strengthens the case. The family obtained permission to publish the photo, and it depicts Jesse James attending his own funeral, alongside the alleged deceased, Wood Hite, who was Jesse’s first cousin.

Comparing Jesse James and Wood Hite: To assess the authenticity of the photo, a comparison of Jesse James and Wood Hite becomes crucial. Wood Hite, known for his striking resemblance to Jesse James, was reportedly killed in December 1881. Noticeable similarities in hair, eye shape, nose, and forehead between the funeral photo and another image of Wood Hite support the claim that it is indeed Wood Hite in the coffin. This raises questions about the alleged assassination of Jesse James.

Addressing Skepticism: Skeptics may argue that Wood Hite’s body would have decomposed by April if he had been shot in December. However, Missouri’s cold winter temperatures and the possibility of preserving the body in an ice house counter this argument. Additionally, discrepancies regarding Wood Hite’s death date and the absence of a marked grave add to the mystery. In addition to that, it’s not necessary for the Duke’s to prove who is IN the coffin. They’ve already shown that it wasn’t Jesse James.

The Final Verdict: While it remains a challenge to definitively prove the identity of the person in the coffin, the evidence presented by Daniel J. Duke, Teresa F. Duke and their late mother, Betty Dorsett Duke, effectively dismisses the notion that Jesse James died at the alleged assassination. The photograph from the Phillips Collection and the presence of Jesse James at his own funeral suggest that he lived and eventually died in Blevins, Texas at the age of ninety-seven, under the alias of James L. Courtney.

Read more about this in ‘The Mysterious Life and Faked Death of Jesse James’ by Daniel J. Duke and Teresa F. Duke.

‘The Mysterious Life and Faked Death of Jesse James’
by Daniel J. Duke and Teresa F. Duke

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